Apr 22, 2023
In which I answer questions sent in by the StoryADay Community about how to overcome their writing challenges.
Sign up for the StoryADay Challenge
Find out more about the Superstars group
Apr 18, 2023
In which we talk about titles, favorite stories, current author crushes and then Rachel turns the tables on me!
More about Rachel: RachelSwearingen.com
Support this podcast: glow.fm/storyaday
More about StoryADay: storyaday.org
Apr 15, 2023
Of all the reasons you should join us in attempting to write a StoryADay May the best might possibly be because: don't you want to be the kind of writer who writes? Who writes so much they get good? Who stands a chance of realizing those unreasonable-exciting dreams you're not telling anyone about?
Don't you at least...
Apr 8, 2023
In this conversation with award-winning writer Rachel Swearingen we talk about how to build a writing practice that grows with you, the art of writing short and long fiction the importance of play, her residency in Berlin and about some of her short stories and how they came to be written.
Next time we’ll talk about...