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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Nov 28, 2020

What will it take to get you writing through the next few months? I have some thoughts..

Also: I answer questions about getting through the middle of a project and about conquering procrastination

Your Writing Life Series:

The I, WRITER Course:

Nov 14, 2020

I often talk about the middle of a story as 'the muddy middle', but I prefer Blake Snyder's label "fun and games".

This week I talk about what the middle of your story has to do, why it's hard, and how you can make it easier.


James Scott Bell's Write Your Novel From The Middle


Nov 7, 2020

In Part 2 of my interview with Angela Ackerman, co-author of The Emotion Thesaurus and host of Writers Helping Writers, we talk about how to use details to write great characters, immerse readers in your story, and even figure out your plot.


Writers Helping Writers:

One Stop For Writers:...