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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Sep 25, 2021

Are you avoiding your writing? It's possible you're suffering from burnout. Learn how to identify it and combat it in this episode of the StoryADay Podcast



3-Day Challenge:

Sep 18, 2021

Gabriela Pereira of DIYMFA talks about her belief that you don't go to a workshop, you workshop writing and what that looks like in her DIYMFA community.


Gabriela's free series:

Writing Prompt:

The StoryADay 3-Day Workshop:

Sep 18, 2021

How is writing like a martial art or a Montesorri school? Find out in my interview with DIYMFA's Gabriela Pereira

And stay tuned for my thoughts on Caroline Kim's prompt for the StoryADay Challenge



Caroline Kim's Writing Prompt:

Register for Gabriela's...

Sep 11, 2021

Going from week 2 to week 3 of the challenge, something wonderful happens...things start to get weird, and it becomes about 'getting it done' not 'making it good'. And that is a gift.


This week's writing prompt, from Roxane Gay:

The 3 Day Challenge:...

Sep 4, 2021

What are you learning about writing in this, week 1, of the StoryADay September challenge, 2021?

Let's talk...

PLUS my extended notes on last week's writing prompt from award-winning writer Fran Wilde.0


Join the Challenge+

Fran Wilde Prompt: