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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Nov 20, 2021

If you don't know what to write in your bio...steal!

Plus a writing prompt from Michael X. Wang, author of the short story collection "Further News of Defeat"


The Writing Prompt:

Michael X. Wang's "Further News of Defeat":

The 3-Day Challenge, a short...

Nov 13, 2021

You have to talk about yourself and your work. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. The good news? If you can give yourself permission, you CAN learn to do this.


3 Day Challenge:

Write Your Author Bio & Story Summary Essentials Guide:

Nov 6, 2021

What is the difference between writing a scene and writing a summary and when should you do each? I'm sharing notes from my upcoming workshop on that topic, in this episode. Learn why it's important to write scenes not just summary. And learn when to use them.

Register for the workshop:...