Feb 29, 2020
What are we really talking about when we talk about sex? Join me for a conversation with sexuality educator Dr. Lanae St. John. We talk about how to portray true intimacy on the page (without any weird noises), how to make consent sexy, and where to find a model for your next villain.
The Mamasutra -
Feb 22, 2020
We talk about the pillars of a writing life, why Gabriela wanted to create a do-it-yourself DIYMFA, and that old favorite: Imposter Syndrome.
Join me for a wide-ranging conversation with DIYMFA.com's Gabriela Pereira. She is a speaker, podcast host for DIY MFA Radio, and author of the book DIY MFA: Write with Focus,...
Feb 15, 2020
Sometimes what used to work for us no longer works.
In this podcast I talk about the benefits and downsides of your writing commitments, I encourage you to scare yourself, and I revisit the subject of habits, and check in to see how you're getting on.
Also: I preview some coming changes to the podcast
Feb 8, 2020
Listening and reading are wonderful things, but what if they are holding you back from writing and finishing stories?
We learn writing by writing. Isn't it time you stop stalling?
"Listening" by Bob DeRosa on Escape Pod: https://stada.me/listening
The 3 Day Challenge: https://stada.me/3dc
Don't forget you can tell...
Feb 1, 2020
Today I’m going to show you a system for delighting readers (and editors), so that you get great reviews and raving fans who will share your work with other readers who also love what you’re writing.
https://stada.me/ssf - The StoryADay Short Story Framework