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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Sep 23, 2023

Are you looking to find success in the publishing world?

Join me on The StoryADay Podcast as I discuss the importance of engagement in writing and publishing.

In this episode titled "Lurk Your Way to Success in Publishing", I share strategies and insights that can help you achieve your goals as a writer.

Here are 3 key...

Sep 9, 2023

Welcome to another episode of The StoryADay Podcast! I'm your host, Julie Duffy, from, and today we're diving into a topic that every writer grapples with: engaging the reader.

As we explore the importance of captivating our audience, we'll also discuss the challenges that come with balancing our...

Sep 2, 2023

As we kick off StoryADay September 2023 I talk about how there is more than one way to engage with your writing...and your identity as a writer. 00:00 StADa295EngageWithYourWritingPractice 00:00 Intro 00:15 How To Engage with Your Writing Practice 15:16 Strategies for StoryADay Join the challenge and find out more...