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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Apr 28, 2018

In this episode I give you my top three tips for a successful month of writing an introduce the new StoryADay Superstars program:

(membership comes with a month of free access to Duotrope, my favourite online source for writing...

Apr 21, 2018

Apologies that the audio is a little crackly on this one, but it's worth sticking with, to hear the infectiously enthusiastic Windy Lynn Harris and me, gabbing about the joy of short fiction.

Windy Lynn Harris is the author of Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays (Writer's Digest Books, 2017)

Apr 14, 2018

This week I share some ideas on how you can read like a writer, and turn that effort into a resource that you can return to again and again.

StoryADay May 2018 starts in a few weeks. Reading short stories in the run-up to a big writing challenge, can be incredibly inspiring.

100th Episode Celebratory Look Back

Here are...

Apr 7, 2018

Today I interview publishing industry expert Jane Friedman ( whose new book The Business Of Being A Writer is billed as 'the business education you never got', for writers.

We discuss what writers should do when they want to go pro, the myth of the overnight success, the nature of 'work' and...

Mar 31, 2018

This week's podcast is a pep-talk to get you writing, even when you're having trouble getting started.

(Isn't "getting started" the hardest part some days?)

And sometimes, getting started isn't the problem. The problem crops up somewhere else: 

* Getting through the mushy middle

* Reining in a story that wants to become...