Nov 26, 2022
Nobody ever feels they've done all the writing they could have done, in a year...but that's no reason to bury your head in the sand. Let's dig for treasure, instead!
Annual Review Bundle:
Set and Meet Goals article:
Nov 19, 2022
With six weeks left in the year, you may be looking to do a big push or you may want to chill. I have one tip that will make either of those options (or something in the middle) work.
Also in this episode, some updates on my Tidy Desk Challenge and what's been going on around here at StoryADay recently.
Read to...
Nov 12, 2022
In which behavioral science tells me things I do not want to hear and I issue myself a Tidy Desk Challenge. (You are welcome to join me. Post on Instagram, use #TidyDeskChallenge and tag me @storyadaymay).
The StoryAWeek Newsletter:
Nov 5, 2022
If you have set a writing goal for this month -- or if you have ever struggled with goals -- this is the podcast for you! My mentor said something so brilliantly simple this week that I simply HAD to share it with you...because it unlocked something about goals and our life's purpose.
SWAGr post:...