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StoryADay is all about creativity.

 Join us as we attempt to Write Everyday, Not 'Someday'!


Podcasts air every other Saturday throughout the year and daily during the StoryADay May challenge.

Apr 25, 2020

We're a week away from StoryADay May. Take the WRITER Code workshop here:

Find out more about StoryADay Superstars, our writing community:

Today's episode is a conversation with Tammy Breitweiser whose flash fiction has been published in The...

Apr 18, 2020

In this conversation with writer Michele Reisinger, we talk about bad advice from writing teachers, her process for placing stories with publications, what a successful writing day looks like, and how she writer in traffic!

Apr 11, 2020

In which I talk about prepping for StoryADay May and what to do if you're having trouble writing right now.

Apr 4, 2020

Premee Mohamed is an Indo-Caribbean scientist and speculative fiction writer whose first novel, "Beneath The Rising" has just been released. But I discovered her through her wonderful short stories.

In this conversation we talk about what a good writing day looks like (and what to do on those other days), the...