Apr 3, 2021
There is a danger zone between our aspirations and the moment when our writing practice begins to click. You can navigate it safely if you Mind the GAP.
Also: My ShortLIST for figuring out which courses and events to sign up for in the always-crowded summer of Writing Conferences and Festivals.
It's an acronym-heavy episode this week, but it's all here to help you become the writer you know you're meant to be.
Phase 1 - Getting Started (exciting)
Phase 2 - Aaargh! (uncomfortable, danger zone)
Phase 3 - Persistent progress (easy)
Short LIST
L - Learning
I - Implementation
S - Support
T - Trust
LINKS Shiny Object Syndrome Worksheet Deciding if you should invest in an event/course/book
Writing prompt https://storyaday.org/wow-sight